My parents have left now, they departured for Sweden earlier this week. It´s been absolutely wonderful to have them here. My fathers 60:th birthday celebration in Kep on the 6:th of February turned out great . We had a delicious lunch at a small restaurant by the sea, where my father could enjoy seafood -his favourite - directly from the sea. After that, we had a drink at the beach, watching the sunset. In the evening it was time for the birthday cake, delivered from the city of Kampot. As my fathers birthday happened to be at the same day as the Chinese New Year, he got a Chinese cake, which turned out to be, well... a bit...different...
Dad at our bungalow veranda in Kep
For present, I gave my father a Khmer cooking class, which he took in Phnom Penh the weekend after. It was a full day of Khmer cooking; spring rolls, Fish Amok and dessert as well. He really enjoyed the cooking class, and was quite exhausted but very happy after a full day of dicing, chopping, frying, and eating.
My parents seems to have really enjoyed their stay here, and it was of course a bit sad to see them go. Unfortunately, they had bad ending of the trip, as my mother who had been a bit ill from stomach problems the last couple of days in Phnom Penh, actually collapsed on the flight between Bangkok and Vienna, due to dehydration and negative side effects from her blood pressure medication. She was taken to a hospital in Vienna, but could continue her travel back to Sweden already the same day.
Apart from this unfortunate end of the trip, I´m happy to report that they´ve very much enjoyed their time here in Cambodia. Especially my Dad, who´s absolutely fascinated by the street life, the traffic and markets. For my mother, it´s all the friendly people, the warmth and kindness that they´ve met here, that has made the strongest impression on her. I´m very happy that they made it here, so they now can relate to my life here, and that we now can share experiences and memories from Cambodia together.
Mum and Dad at Veranda Natural Resort
So thank you Mum and Dad for coming all this way - hope to be able to welcome you back again sometime! And Mum; hope you feel better soon!