Monday, 20 August 2007

Going home and away at the same time, part 2

In an hour, I´m leaving for the airport to go back to Phnom Penh after three wonderful weeks in Sweden. As you might recall from the last posting, I was a bit emotionally puzzled about leaving Phnom Penh - which of course turned out to be a totally waste of energy. Being here in Stockholm, spending time with my loved ones has been fantastic. Thanks to all my beloved friends and family who have made my vacation so warm and lovely. I´ll carry this summer with me in my heart, all the way to the other side of the world.

So, soon to be leaving, of course I can´t help wondering how it will feel to return to Phnom Penh again..? My home away from home... I feel just as puzzled as I did when I was leaving for Sweden... But as that turned out just fine, I guess that this´ll do, too..?

As much as I dread leaving Janne, Polly Jean and all good friends in Sweden, I´m also looking forward to see my friends in Phnom Penh again; Mimmi & Albin, Johan and hopefully Marco who´ll be on one of his regular visits from Holland. It´s really, really nice to know that I have some good friends to get together with when I get back. And it makes this process of saying good bye, just a little bit easier.

So, to all my dear friends in different parts of the world; lots of love to you all, and thank you for being you!


Anonymous said...

Kära Maria,
det var underbart att ha dig "här hemma" ett litet tag igen! Och jag skyller allt på dig när jag förlorar mig i Grey's Anatomy (och Dr. McDreamy!!) istället för att diska, tvätta, laga middag, skriva d-uppsats... Jag rapporterar hur ansiktsmasken var när jag använt den och lovar att köpa dig en ny nästa gång vi ses ;)
PS Har inte kläm på det här med Facebook än pga Ingen Egen Tid att ägna mig åt det så det får bli kommunikation the old fashion way ett tag till... Puss & kram

Maria... said...

Hej vännen,
ja, visst var det härligt att ses?! Ha ha, "Dr McDreamy" är verkligen beroende-framkallande! :-) Kolla in en av grupperna jag har joinat på Facebook, kanske vore nå´t för dig med?! ;-) Bra att ansiktsmasken kommer till användning, hade så såligt samvete för att jag glömde den, men,men...