- my life in Phnom Penh. Stories of a Swede in a sarong.
Friday, 5 September 2008
Size doesn´t matter...
Motorbikes, or "motos" as they´re called here, is the main mean of transportation in Cambodia. As you can see for yourself, there´s no limit for the size of a load that can be carried on a "moto" ...
1 comment:
Vilken fantastisk bild! Fler så´na! När får vi se dina vietmambilder på blogggen?/Nyfiken Mammma
Dear friends,
welcome to my blog. This is the way for me to stay in touch with you during my time in Cambodia. I´m glad to see that you´ve found your way here, too! :-) You´re more than welcome to be a part of this blog by posting comments.
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1 comment:
Vilken fantastisk bild! Fler så´na!
När får vi se dina vietmambilder på blogggen?/Nyfiken Mammma
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