Janne arrived yesterday for a bit more than 2 weeks holiday here, which of course feels great! We will spend christmas and new year here in Cambodia, as we want to make the most of the time that is left here before it´s time move back to Sweden by mid-April. Can´t believe that I only have less than 4 months left here now.... Feels good and sad at the same time...
I guess that you all are quite busy with all the Christmas preparations, only a couple of days to go now.... I´m happy to tell you that the christmas spirit has reached Phnom Penh as well! Yesterday for example, we attended the annual christmas party at my office. This yeears celebration turned out to be the best both me and Janne has ever attended. Very fun, enjoyable and a great mix between Khmer and Swedish traditions. It started out in the early afternoon with a traditional buddhist ceremony with monks chanting for an hour, blessing both the staff and the office and giving good luck for the new year. After that, a delicious smorgasbord was served, with both Swedish and Khmer delicacies; meetballs, cheese, Janssons frestelse, fried and fresh springrolls, mixed Khmer fingerfood, Swedish snaps, etc. Followed by a Khmer version of Santa Claus, bringing gifts for all guests. I got a Khmer hairclip and Janne a "Doiche Gabbana" womens´watch. Now we´re certainly dressed for success! :-) After that, the Khmer dancing started, to the very loud sound of Khmer karaoke. I did my best practising my Khmer style dancing, but left the singing to my Khmer colleagues. As all Khmer parties, it was all carried out in a very warm hearted spirit and finished very early. At 7 pm, almost all guests had left already. It was all great fun, and we really want to come for next years party as well!
(Unfortunately, I don´t have any photos to publish from the party yet, but it´ll come, I promise.)
Today, it was time to do some christmas decorations of the apartment. As we don´t have a christmas tree, the plants on the terrace just had to do. So now all the bamboo plants, bougainvillier trees etc on the terrace are all beautifully decorated with lights, glitter and other kinds of christmas decorations.
To top the christmas spirit even more, we invited some friends over for some christmas treats like glögg, cheddar cheese and gingerbread cookies this afternoon. It sure gave us a taste of christmas!
So it´s christmas is here in Phnom Penh as well - Khmer style..! :-)
Tomorrow we are leaving for Siem Reap, to celebrate christmas at the astonishing Angkor temples. Merry Christmas!
Kära Maria, jag följer bloggen troget och har saknat nya inlägg! Kul att du är tillbaka!! Och kära Janne, hoppas du får utlopp för all din julpyntarkänsla även på bambuträden i brist på gran och fur ;)
Julkänslan börjar infinna sig så smått även här. Är julledig from idag och åker imorgon till mina föräldrar för traditionellt julfirande över helgen. God Jul och Gott Nytt År från oss på Peter Myndes backe!
PS Tack för vackert julkort.
Kära Jenny,
tack detsamma! Hoppas ni har en fin julhelg i Bottna! Saknar vårt traditionsenlig nyårsfirande... Ska vi ta upp det nästa år, kanske?
Kram och Gott Nytt År från oss båda!
PS. Skypa vid tillfälle? DS.
Oh Maria how I wish I could be there. We have a serious lack of sun here in Stockholm. Sooo depressing! Couldn't someone have WARNED me about this before I moved here? Oh well, now I know to always book a sunny vacation every winter. We're talking survival...
Lots of hugs to you!
Dear Anna,
We would have loved to have you and Totti here as well! And yes; a sunny vacation every winter is truly the only way of surviving when living in northern Europe... I hear ya! And I´m already planning to come back here for that next winter..! *keeping my fingers crossed*
Lots of hugs,
Maria & Janne
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