So this is it... the day has come for me to move on. To a new country, a new home, a new job. I´m leaving for the airport in half an hour, and it´s difficult to describe the feelings inside. A mixture of nervousness, excitment, sadness, happiness... The most difficult part is of course to say goodbye to Janne and my beloved pets. And at the same time, I´m so grateful that the day has finally come when I have the possibility to fulfill my dream of moving to South East Asia.
So; these are my last words from Sweden, next time I´ll write you from Phnom Penh. Until then; take care my beloved friends and family - and let´s stay in touch.

Goodbye, sweet home. See you in August.
1 comment:
Dear Maria, I'm impressed that you had time to write your blog only half an hour before you were due to leave for the must be more organised than some people I know! I'm really pleased you decided to write this in English (...a real benefit for those of us with rather limited Swedish vocabularly!)and I'm looking forward to regular updates from Phnom Penh. Good luck, take care and stay in touch. Kram Michael x
ps Hopefully I'll be seeing you for a drink at the F&C later in the year!
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