My grandfather and Polly Jean, august 2005.
My beloved grandpa is one of my best friends. Through life he´s always been very supportive to me, and he has always encouraged me to travel and to see the world. "-Travel while you can!", he always says. "-There´s so much to explore and experience out there, do it while you can." So when I had decided to accept the position in Cambodia, Grandpa was the first to know. When I called him up, I was a little bit nervous how he would take the news, though. It turned out that my nervousness had been a total waste; Grandpa was as supportive and enthusiastic as always. "-That´s good news, Maria. I´m happy for you. This is what you´ve always wanted, and finally you get the chance to fulfill your dreams." "-I hope that I´m not worrying in any way", I said. "-No. I´m not the slightest worried. No, no", he stated and continued" "-I know that you´ll do great. You´re always taking good care of yourself when you´re out in the world somewhere, and you´ll be just fine this time, too. I know it for sure." And that was it. No worries and no questions. Just pure and simple strength and support. Just what I needed at that time. For this, and for so many other things that me and my Grandfather have experienced together through the years, I´ll always be thankful to him.
So congratulations, Grandad. Today is your day. And I´m so thankful for having you in my life. I love you so much!
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